Biting Policy

12 Biting Policy

Policy for children who are biting or children being bitten


LGMS aims to ensure that each child is safe and cared for and has respect for each other. Children that have behaved inappropriately i.e. biting will be removed from the group and managed according to the behaviour management policy.


Children who have behaved inappropriately i.e. biting will be removed from the group and then distracted with another activity and they will be explained to that biting is not kind and then asked to give the other child a cuddle and to say sorry.


Staff must have an understanding of how to manage discipline taking into account the child’s age and stage of development, and why the child has behaved this way.


If a child continues to bite more regularly, the key worker for that child will shadow the child to try and prevent the biting occurring, and make observations, tracking the child’s movements identifying triggers were biting occurs. A diary may also be made to record days, times and situations; this will help the staff and the parents of the child to establish if there are patterns to the biting.


The parents whose child is biting will be kept involved and informed through meetings and discussions with the key worker and the manager.  CONFIDENTIALITY It is very important that the parents of the child that has been bitten are not made aware of who bit.


It is important that acceptable reassurance is given to the parents to show that all staff in the room are taking a consistent approach. Room meetings are organised to discuss appropriate methods and ensure consistency between home and school. Minutes of the meeting will be recorded. In extreme cases where the child is persistently biting we may request additional advice from the health visitor or child psychologist. This is only done with the parents consent.


This policy was adopted by LGMS (name of provider)
On September 2022 (date)
Date to be reviewed September 2023 (date)
Signed on behalf of the provider Shauna Fosker
Name of signatory Shauna Fosker
Role of signatory (e.g. chair, director or owner) Senior Manager


Manager and Senco: Arlette Rohn

Proprietor: Risvana Shiekh 

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