Outdoor Play

The Great Outdoors

Outdoor play is an important part of our curriculum activities and we like to take our activities outdoors as there are so many learning opportunities to use. All our children have the opportunity to play in our secure outdoor area and we use this area at all times of the year.
In the summer term we have a sun safe policy which means children are protected from the sun by wearing sunscreen and hats. Hours of play when the sun is strongest are restricted and there is always a shaded area.

We have two play houses for role play. For knowledge and understanding of the world, we are developing a nature area for bug hunting. The children grow vegetables and salad items for their meals and snacks in the summer and help with looking after the various tubs of flowers we grow around the School. We watch and record the weather and experience the varied types we have. Children need to bring Wellingtons and coats in the winter and sun protection and hats in the summer. There are opportunities for gross motor skills to be practiced playing traditional games like ‘What’s the time Mr. Wolf’ skipping and catch as well as chasing games.

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