Nutritious Food

[vc_btn title=”The Montessori Method” color=”danger” align=”left” bgcolor=”red” hideshadow=”1″ link=”|title:The%20Montessori%20Method|”][vc_btn title=”Organisation & Curriculum” color=”danger” align=”left” bgcolor=”red” hideshadow=”1″ link=”|title:Oganisation%20and%20Curriculum||”][vc_btn title=”Planning and Activities” color=”danger” align=”left” bgcolor=”red” hideshadow=”1″ link=”|title:Planning%20and%20Activities||”][vc_btn title=”Outdoor Play” color=”danger” align=”left” bgcolor=”red” hideshadow=”1″ link=”|title:Outdoor%20Play||”][vc_btn title=”Nutritious Food” color=”danger” align=”left” bgcolor=”red” hideshadow=”1″ link=”|title:Nutritious%20Food||”]


[title_nd title=”Meals/Diets” tag=”h2″ align=”right” color=”#000000″]
[divider_nd size=”big” align=”right” color=”#db201b”]

boyOur meals times not only provide a well-balanced, healthy diet but a time to join together and share a happy social time. Our meals are freshly cooked on site. We provide a wide range of foods and can cater for special diets, and cover all stages from first weaning to normal meals.
We aim to provide at least 3 of the recommended 5 a day portions of fruit and vegetables. Water is available at all times. We serve a variety of snacks at mid-morning and mid-afternoon, which may be fresh fruit, vegetable sticks, savoury crackers, toast.
A choice of milk or water is available at snack times. Water is served at lunch time and is available throughout the day.
If your child has special dietary requirements then please ask and we will do our best to provide a suitable alterative. We have experience in catering for wheat and barley (gluten) free, dairy free and vegetarian, along with allergies to individual specific foods

[title_nd title=”Summer Menu” tag=”h2″ color=”#000000″]

Week 1 and 3







Snack Crackers and creams cheese Rice cakes and apples Breadsticks Grape and orange segments Cheeseand Cucumber Sticks
Lunch Sweet and sour chicken and rice Rainbow macoroni cheese Cowboy casserole Fish Cake, Potatoes and Beans Spaghetti Bolognaise
Veggie Option Quorn chicken and rice with sauce Rainbow Quorn sausage casserole Quorn Chicken / Fish CAkes, Potatoes and beans Quorn Mince Bolognaise and Pasta
Pudding Yogurts Flap Jacks Melon Rice Pudding Bananas with Custard
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